Putting the Power of Genetics into Your Hands

Informed decisions are empowered decisions. We believe that high-quality genetic analyses provide you and your physician unparalleled insight in deciding which healthcare options are best for you. At Kailos, we believe in healthcare as unique as you are.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to improve patient health by transforming genetic information into a personalized healthcare strategy.

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Our Culture

We commit to data transparency and operational visibility at every level to ensure confidence in our work. Personal genetic information is never shared without expressed permission.

Our Culture

Kailos Genetics is committed to providing highly accurate genetic analyses based on the most current and reliable scientific data available. The genetic information we provide is used to inform physicians regarding patient care and treatment, which is a responsibility we take very seriously.

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Our Culture

Kailos furnishes individuals and healthcare providers with innovative programs designed to tailor treatment plans to the genetics of every unique individual. Our company is committed to making insightful genetic information available to every patient and their physician.